On Thursday our school was able to have Thanksgiving dinner for all of the childrens families. We all have so much to be THANKFUL for. Thanks to all of the staff that made our dinner possible. Each child in school made a leaf and told something they were blessed with. If you have not yet ,go by and read what these children wrote.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Harvest Party-"Jesus Is My Shining Light"
THANK YOU goes out to Dalton and her mother Mrs. Karen for hosting our Harvest Party. Our theme for the day was "Jesus is my shining light". Mrs. Karen prepared some wonderful tasting food, planned a very fun game with prizes for the whole class, had a very cute project of decorating candy pales(something we can always keep), and had a wonderful book for Mrs. Christie to read. Again, THANK YOU for all of your hard work. She even decorated some wonderful tasting sugar cookies(looked professional to me) and also made each kid a carmel apple to take home.
Singing for Child Advocacy Center
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Field Trip to the Fair
What a fun fair day second grade had. Thanks to Mrs. Karen, Mr. Chris and Mr. Shane for accompanying us on the field trip. It was AWESOME to have Chapel in the Fair Village, in the old school. Thanks also to EVERYONE at the Covenant Academy food booth who served us lunch and also to ALL the volunteers who helped in the booth to raise money for our school!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New Student
We have a new student in 2nd grade! We are so PROUD to have Lance join our class. Last week in chapel Lance received our "Caught being good". Lance received the award because he has brightened our class. This week in chapel Jaren received a caught being good from Mrs. Marsha for fixing ice water for the little kids. Megan also received an award for her thoughtfulness of cleaning the bathroom floor each day. WAY TO GO!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Caught Being Good...
2nd Grade has been sooooooo good!! This week 3 students were recognized for extra special behavior: Chloe Hillis, Madison Butler, and Nick Simmons. Way to go!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Bible Bowl
Congratulations to the 2nd grade class on their performance Tuesday night at the Bible Bowl! They have learned so much during Bible class this year. It was a such blessing to hear them sing. I am reminded every day how blessed we are to be able to be a part of the Covenant Academy family! Andrew was sick and not able to attend the program. Thanks to everyone for your prayers. He is now healthy and glad to be back at school!
Teacher Appreciation Day
Tuesday, May 6 is National Teacher Appreciation Day! If you wish, please send $2 to assist the PAT in purchasing a small token of appreciation for our teachers. Please put the money in an envelope with "PAT" written on it and deposit it in the check deposit box outside of Mrs. Earline's office.
Book Drive
There will be a BOOK DRIVE beginning on May 1. Please bring books suitable for grades K-up. We are desperately in need of books for the older elementary and middle school grades. Used books are great. Please make sure that the books are appropriate for a Christian school library. There will be a large box in the school in which to deposit the books.
News from P.A.T.
The PAT has voted to purchase a climbing tunnel for the playground. If you have any ideas for improving our playground (that don't require money!), please send your suggestions to your child's teacher.
The PAT also voted to purchase 5 computers for our library. With the one we have already purchased and the two that are being donated, we will have a computer lab with 8 computers in our library!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Caught Being Good...
Congratulations to the entire 2nd Grade Class for receiving a Caught Being Good Award from Mrs. Becky! We are proud of you for lining up and waiting for Ms. Eva after recess.